Interesting Answers From ChatGPT


What is Stackelberg Competition?

Stackelberg competition is a model of strategic interactions in which one firm is the leader and the others are followers. The leader firm makes its decision about output or price first, and then the other firms make their decisions based on the leader’s decision. The leader firm has more information and can use this information to its advantage to maximize its profit. The followers, on the other hand, must react to the leader’s decision and try to maximize their own profit based on the leader’s choice. This model is named after the economist Heinrich von Stackelberg, who first proposed it in 1934.

The followers can optimally choose the quantity based on the observations of the leader’s quantity. Q2 (follower 2) takes the derivative of its utility function to find the optimal quantity. The first mover has the advantage to firstly take the action. The leader will have a higher profit than followers even they have the same cost.

What is Cournot Competition?

In economics, Cournot competition is a model of strategic interactions among firms that produce homogeneous products. In a Cournot market, each firm chooses how much to produce, and the total market supply is the sum of the quantities produced by all firms. The firms are assumed to be profit-maximizing, and the market price is determined by the intersection of the market supply and demand curves.

If firms have the same cost profile, they will make the same quantity and same profit.

What is mixed strategy?

In game theory, a mixed strategy is a probability distribution over the set of pure strategies available to a player. A pure strategy is a specific choice of action, such as “always cooperate” or “always defect,” while a mixed strategy allows for the possibility of randomization, such as choosing to cooperate with probability 0.5 and defect with probability 0.5. Mixed strategies can be useful in situations where the player does not have complete information about the other players’ strategies, or where the player wants to prevent the other players from being able to predict their actions.


二次电池的技术特性因不同的类型而有所不同。例如,铅酸电池(如蓄电池)的技术特性包括电压约为 2V,比能量约为 50-80Wh/kg,容量衰减速率约为 1-3%/月。锂离子电池(如手机电池)的技术特性包括电压约为 3.6V,比能量约为 150-250Wh/kg,容量衰减速率约为 3-5%/月。这些特性都会因不同的制造商而有所不同,在选择电池时应注意比较各家生产商的技术特性。